2025 Calendar
Jan 25 - Ice Skating @ Holly Dell. Jul (TBD) - Pool Party
Feb 11 - Movie Night Aug (TBD) - Beach Trip @ Ocean City
Mar 18 - NERF Wars Sep 2 - Bak2Skool Bash
Apr 19 - Skating @SK8 Oct 10 - 11 - GRACE Retreat
May 6 - Scavenger Hunt Nov 8 - Movie Night
June 3 - Nifty Fifty Night Dec 16 - Christmas Party
Service Projects
May 24 - Malaga Camp building Gaga Pit
Nov 25 - CRU Friendsgiving Dinner
No Youth Group
Apr 8, Dec 23, and Dec 30
Youth Group
Every Tuesday Night 7 - 9 PM in the Refuge Building next door to the church.
What does Youth Group look like? I am glad you ask - see below...
We enjoy each other's company so we simply hang out for the first half hour and catch up with each other. It's a time to enjoy some free snacks, play some pool, pingpong, soccer, toss a football or go a few rounds in the gaga pit.
What would a night be without games??? Outside games, inside games, active run-around games, sit-down-and-laugh games, team games, and every-man-for-himself games. Every week brings a different mix.
God alone is worthy of our devotion, praise, and worship. He is God and our Creator. He loved us first and we want to show Him some love in return. One way we do that is through praise and worship which is a regular part of our Tuesday nights.
We believe that people grow in their faith when they are engaged in conversation. We provide a short introduction to the topic of the night before the students split into small groups for discussion.
This is the backbone of what we do. Students split into gender-specific small groups where they develop deeper relationships while learning how to be stronger followers of Jesus Christ. This important part of our time together is how we spend the last half hour of the night. We look through the Bible, discuss what it says, and apply its teachings to our lives.
Meet Pastor John Martinez
Pastor John Martinez, has been working with youth for the past 19 years. God has called him to prepare teens to enter a broken world. His passion is to ensure teens are loved, and have a place of Refuge.
He and his wife, Julie, are happily married since 2004. They have been blessed with six children, and have been active in foster care for 12 years.
He loves spending time with his kids and giving back to community. His hobbies include fishing, kayaking and performing magic.
If you would like to receive texts for our youth ministry, simply send Pastor John an email at john.martinez@stagecoachchurch.org
You will receive announcements, inspiring thoughts and sometimes just something funny.
Follow us on Instagram: refuge139